Thursday, August 11, 2011


Working out every day, but Sunday has surprisingly been such a huge success and sense of accomplishment. Truly it is my drug of choice. Being able to switch up my routine daily and feel like it's something new daily is so exhilarating. I still don't LOVE exercising, but I have so much more energy and a much better attitude.
Unfortunately somehow I tweaked my knee which is most strange because I did mainly walking with only a little jogging on Tuesday. Well, by favoring my knee I threw out my lower back! As difficult as it is to work out ever day, not doing it is most disappointing. I am doing my best to continue my eating habits, but 2 days of not working out is hard and I really don't want to lose the habit. As to my title I believe ibuprofen can pretty much heal everything. It is an anti-inflammatory so with what hurts me that usually covers it. So glad that I have been so lucky to be so healthy, but also that I live in the age that I do. Also with all my different jobs that I have had that have given me the knowledge that I have. So today I will enjoy my 2 ibuprofen and hope that it's enough to get back working out tomorrow. :)

Friday, August 5, 2011


So I am doing the Body for Life 12 week challenge. I have never ever been a dieter in any form, but considered myself to be a pretty healthy person and not large craver of sweets. My life here in Boston has been such a different pace and to be honest depressing. It feels like it hit me all at once how out of shape I was.
Found out I am majorly lacking Vitamin D which would explain my terrible joint pain. When I was reading about the experiences of others on this challenge how they were feeling it was almost to a T to how I felt. This program just feels right to me. Thank you to my sis who had me buy the book at a yard sale while I was in Utah for a whopping $1.
Anyhoo I started a blog for this experience that is private which means I will probably be lacking on this one. I am loving it though already and just having this great goal and something to look forward to is making such a difference. Will keep you posted!